Posts Tagged ‘Huipu’

The CMO of HP says marketers should aim to bring a divided country back together

Wednesday, December 20th, 2017

This holiday season, those with different viewpoints, lifestyles, and ideologies will invariably come together – many under the same roof or around the same table. We will all show up with our best intentions and hope for a peaceful holiday season, but inevitably there may be tense conversations. Arguments may flare. Divisiveness may creep in, and unfortunately, we can stop truly listening.

We live in a polarized, political and fractured world.?The Pew Research Center released a?report?in October that shows a nation more divided than at any other time in recent history. Polarization between parties across 10 key political values is at 36%, more than double the divide in 1994.

I believe we all share an obligation to understand this cultural divide, as well as identify the human truths that unite us all. So earlier in the year, HP conducted a nationwide qualitative study aimed at understanding the things we hold sacred, which unite us and divide us. (more…)

惠普承认制定新战略计划 否认将重组高层

Monday, January 17th, 2011

腾讯科技讯 据国外媒体报道,美国东部时间星期五稍晚时间,《华尔街日报》援引知情人士的消息称,惠普新任首席执行官李艾科(Leo Apotheker)即将最终宣布一项战略计划,包括重组惠普管理高层以及将加大力度促进公司业务盈利等方面。消息还称,新的战略计划将投资更多资源用来拓展惠普的软件、网络和存储等业务。该传闻还称,李艾科正在与惠普董事会起草此计划,并将在今年3月份的惠普年度股东大会召开之际公布此计划。




《华尔街日报》的传闻称,惠普将把公司企业业务负责人安·利弗摩尔(Ann Livermore)将提升为公司董事会副主席。该传闻还称,惠普的企业业务将进行分拆,届时负责这些业务的执行副总裁大卫·多纳特利(Davdi Donatelli)和汤姆·霍干(Tom Hogan)也将离职。
